"This one has to go right, Festus" "Yes, it will" I assured. "No complaints this time, with everything I have said about you, you are almost a superstar to this girl" "Are you serious?" "Yes, I might have lied a little... just...just go with the flow" Martha urged me on. It was never a good sign when you don't know the kind of lie she had told, she tended to get carried away with her lies. "Remember, her name is Veronica." I agree it is quite strange, warning a grown man like me about a date, I personally don't like it but I understand where she was coming from. Martha had nicknamed me the mood terminator ever since I recovered from Angela's case, it's not like it's my fault, how would I have known not closing your mouth when you chew would annoy so much? I was just being real, I mean, we all do it in the comfort of our homes or, or telling her you love her while it is getting steamy ...