Book Review : Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Radbury

"It was a pleasure to burn" was the first sentence that opened Fahrenheit 451. A book set in a dystopian world. I read this book simply because I am going through a dystopian craze and every book of this genre that I have read has given me a new outlook on life. The concept of Dystopia is being afraid of losing something, and painting a world where what you don't want to lose doesn't exist, and the implications of its absence on the world. In this -- books were illegal.
      Ray Radbury saw the gradual death of reading in society and he wrote a beautiful book about it. In the eyes of Guy Montag, a fireman, in a world where firemen burned instead of putting out fire. Killing and arresting people who dared to own books He went from taking pleasure in burning in his ignorance to risking his life for what he believed books stood for. All he needed was a catalyst in a 16 year old girl who aroused his curiosity. I won't spoil the experience for anyone that plans on reading after this review, so I won't go into depth.
      This book showed the writer's love for literature and the capabilities of books, the ability of a poem to move an unwilling listener to tears in a matter of seconds. Where reading changed a man's perspective just out of curiosity. The world in the book was dysfunctional, people forgot more because they didn't exercise their memories, Overdosing was a trivial thing, Cars moved too fast, people were encouraged to act and not think coupled with constant distraction by the creation of Ear muffs and wall screens  which in today's world is headphones and Televisions.
A world where fun became the order of the day.
      The effect of this dystopian book on modern day reality is most evident, but instead of books being banned and burned, books are being ignored and forgotten. People waiting for caveats like "this is a long read" before they read and the general loss of interest in reading, movies and series substitute books in our libraries and we forget the experience that comes with reading. The removal of the soul and the mind from current location, much like astral projection and a journey through the writer's mind.
       A book wonderfully written in a dramatic structure,the genius in the sentence structure cannot be underplayed and it felt different, with every metaphor painting different pictures in the reader's mind. The way a writer writes is his signature and Radbury's signature will stand the test of time. Suspenseful, like an old man telling a group of kids a scary story, the words gesticulated, they came alive. It was an experience. Would recommend!


  1. Wia can I get d ebook for dz book? Av bin look for it.

  2. Thanks for commenting Deola, ... here is a link


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