Much Ado About Sex
What is it about sex that makes the world go round? Yes, we know it sells, why? What is it about sex that makes it a basis of a lot of relationships? Why in the world does it warrant all these synonyms? Intercourse, romp, fuck, shag, making-love, doing the deed, jiggy and my personal favourite.... coitus, just to name a few. What the hell is it that is so important? In this day and age, it seems to account for 80 percent of the surface Web and its illegal cousin, child porn, better known as Hard Candy for the experienced, winks. (that wink means absolutely nothing!... sigh, I hope am not on some list now). Anyways, Hard Candy reigns supreme in the deep Web, away from the auspice of a certain office in the FBI (they don't see everything.. hmmph). This just goes to prove that we are sexual beings, products of sex. Slaves, We could dial back to popular axioms like "use what you have to get what you want" to rationalise it as a currency of some sort. A mea...