On The Left And Its Ravenous Nature

“The most damaging phrase in the language is: ‘It’s always been done that way.’ ~ Grace Hopper”

When it comes to deciding the terms and agreement in the fine print of our social contract. There are two ideals. The Left and the Right.

The Left has always been the faction that has dictated most of the paradigm shifts in morality. They have always been the ones to pose the questions that most people would avoid. Question authority, test the norm, belittle status quo. Tell me, what is tradition to a leftist?

From putting a stop to the killing of twins, abolishing slavery, the civil rights movement, LGBT activism, Marijuana legalisation and the rise of feminism. The Left has continued to push the envelopes in our lives, realising our societal norms are behaviours handed down from the first men. And these norms, which are not perfect are to be challenged, argued with and torn down.

They have always maintained an unending struggle with the Right, who prefer to maintain status quo. Either with silence, or by effectively suppressing conflicted(Leftist) views with a sanctimonious glare, while perched far away on a moral pedestal. It really is an unending power play. But this constant tussle of ideals and moral suppression has made the Left diffident. They have battled with the Right so much that they have grown distrustful of the individuals in their own ranks.

Granted, the fight between these two extremes have always been one of public opinion. The one with majority support will most likely be calcified into law. The Right keeps the numbers in their favour through avenues like progenity, admonishment, sanctimony and laws. While the Left relies on strong arguments of progress to create cognitive dissonance to convert individuals.
But in an information age where countless pressing issues are concurrently addressed. There are a lot of people and a growing number of ideals to push. So much so that the odds of fully converting the people is very intimidating.
The Left has resorted to creating safe spaces on the internet. They have converted parts of social media like twitter and reddit to their playground where they closely police expression. Certain actions and words are seen as offensive. They have resorted to weaponizing their emotions into alienating those that disagree with their views.

Well, frankly this method is a bit effective.

But when people swallow and then regurgitate ideals as opposed to absorbing them. It is bound to result in dogmatic individuals that can do little to hold the strawman argument bestowed on them. But not to worry, the hive is well armed with emotional volatility. With an inherent preference to react rather than respond. Choosing to demonise and not engage. Splitting hairs and misconstruing statements.

And now the Left, whose mission was to effect change to realise a safer and inhabitable world has devolved into a bitter organism. Quick to throw tantrums and much like the Right, desperate to maintain a status quo of ideals it cannot quite remember, not to talk of defending.

In the wake of the recent George Takei accusations and debacle that followed. Writer and Social Media Influencer, Nnedi Okorafor (@Nnedi) felt perturbed at the fact that she was so quick to judge an accused individual without any proof. She suggested, ever so subtly that investigations should be carried out before we decide to execute them in the court of public opinion.

But her Leftist Comrades sprang into action with torches and mirthful words. They made her a monster. They labelled her insensitive and hounded her till she took down her tweet. The realisation is sad, Nnedi asked for dialogue and was met with violence.
The Left eats its own.

This radical behaviour of men-hating feminists (a feminist can be male or female between, the fact I’m adding this parenthesis itself proves a point), racist-minorities, Cultural police who scream for appropriation on behalf of cultures they don’t possess has made the Left a caricature of itself. ‘Woke’ is now a euphemism for pseudo-knowledge.

“Being aware of your self-awareness makes you woke.
The Left has now become as rigid as the Right, as quick to judge and hard to calm. The Grace Hopper quote that began this piece now applies to them too. And both sides have sadly become the devil they have always been trying to keep at bay.
But before the fat lady sings a chorus of doom. We should be well aware that the importance of a Leftist mindset should not be down played in our revolution. They are simply the catalyst of change.
But the secret of this mindset lies in the spirit of dialoguing, understanding and confirmation before conclusion. The modus operandi is to change the world through a person at a time and not to convert everybody into soldiers of an unclear cause with half-baked ideals and morals.
The left has always been the voice of reason in the face of the status quo. For them to establish themselves as the status quo makes it impossible to self-assert and evolve when necessary.

This is no time for eradication or name calling. It is a time for patience and rediscovery of self. Till we eventually grasp the meaning of what it means to be a Leftist again.
It is the Left, we need the Left.


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