On New Years and Half Hearted Resoultions

So, we are moving into a new year. The "new year new me" cliques have already started buzzing with resolutions that possibly won't make it into February (we all know you can't change!). The pessimists are saying they don't feel any difference compared to when they were children(we get it, you had a great childhood). And I am here, writing this article in traffic. I mean what is the big deal about new years anyways? I mean the yearly calendar system was created to properly pinpoint and anticipate seasons and to create a sort of chronological sense of orderliness in human history.
    Each year stands alone as an independent entity in history but the transition between the years kind of make it anticlimactic for me. A second is all that separates 2014 from 2015 and a second will also separate it from 2016. To increase the hype around new years for me, we would need at least a day of limbo between the years to properly accentuate the transition and its effects(you are all thinking it... I'm just brave enough to say it!).

      But this post isn't about making changes to the Gregorian calendar. It is about resolutions and ambitions. Each year is assumed to be a fresh start for most. Targets and goals are stated out in multiple folds, folds which are related to the individual's idea of success. So why does money keep coming up?  Does it imply money is tantamount to success as per societal standards?
     We pay to live on earth, there is a basic amount of money needed by man for survival. Exceeding that amount of money crosses the line into affluence and boy oh boy, affluence is a never-ending field. But humour me for a second, Let us say affluence ends at Bill Gates' level of riches. In a world of seven billion and only one Bill Gates, does that mean there is only one person completely fulfilled and content? Is society even built for people to be happy?
      Acquisition of basic needs for survival is paramount, but the never ending chase of luxury is foolery and that is where passion comes in. The honest and talented Dave Chapelle once told his father in conversation that "If I make a teacher's salary being a comedian, then I am successful"(although he later went on to make the salary of over five hundred thousand teachers combined together....but that's not the point). The surest way to happiness is abiding by your own standards and understanding there is no blueprint for this life.
     No, I'm not encouraging underachievers rather I'm asking you to challenge your objectives and goals to see how much of you and society that is in them. And then make a resolution you won't be afraid to make next year. Don't worry about failure, you can't fail forever unless you are Ciroma Adekunle(That waec guy.... This is a waec joke, I won't explain)

Have a great entry into 2016!


  1. Lovely write up.. and nobody can attain self actualization because human wants are unlimited which makes Me know that Bill gate himself would still want more to what he has. and lol to the waec joke. keep this up broe.


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